What is the Appropriate use of AC ?
The appropriate use of AC has begun as the summer heat intensifies, and we regularly use AC, let’s adopt suitable methods. Many people prefer to run AC at 20-22 degrees, and when they feel cold, they cover themselves with a blanket. As a result, dual harm occurs. How??? The normal body temperature is 36 degrees Celsius. The body can easily tolerate temperatures between 23 and 39 degrees Celsius. This tolerance of the human body temperature is called thermoregulation. When the room temperature is too low or too high, the body reacts through shivering, trembling, etc. When you run AC at 19-21 degrees, the room temperature is much lower than the normal body temperature, leading to hypothermia, a process where blood circulation is affected, causing inadequate blood supply to certain parts of the body. Long-term consequences include various health issues such as arthritis, etc.
When the AC is running, humidity often doesn’t come in, so harmful substances can’t escape, and due to the absence of global warming, health consequences occur. How??? When you run the AC at such a low temperature, its compressor works continuously at full power, even if it’s a 5-star AC, it consumes more electricity and adds to your bill.
What’s the best way to run AC???
Setting the AC temperature to 20-21 degrees first and then covering yourself with a blanket won’t benefit you in any way. Running the AC at 26+ degrees and keeping the fan at a slow speed is always better. This will reduce electricity consumption and help mitigate the effects of global warming. How??? If you understand by running the AC at 26+ degrees, you save approximately 5 units per AC per night and if even 10 million families do the same, that’s collective savings of 5 crore units of electricity. This saving can amount to billions at the regional level. Please consider this and do not run the AC at temperatures lower than 26 degrees. Keep your body and the environment healthy.